Call: +44(0)1234 841221 E-mail: [email protected] Case study of GRT Office Air conditioning And Heat Pump Installation In Bedfordshire (29/04/19) Office Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Cassette and wall Air Conditioning Inverter Heat-pumps: Orion air conditioning and refrigeration ltd are pleased to complete the installation of 7 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning inverter heat-pumps within the new office head office GRT Builders and Scaffolding Limited, Stewartby Bedfordshire. The project was based on two floors serving the ground floor offices and first floor offices. Project
About the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning heat-pumps installed in the GRT offices: The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioning Advanced FDTC Cassette units were installed in a open plan office in a triple format with 3 cassette units combined on one hard wired Eco-Touch controller for an open plan area. The units were suspended using Gripple wire which was used for an exposed services style installation, as the client had an apex ceiling without a usual flat ceiling for the cassette units to fit in and cover. The result was pleasing to the eye and offered a cooling and heating system with a 7 day a week 24hr timer function with 8 segments of operation ideal for an office environment where users may not remember to switch the system off at the end of the working day.
The hard wired controller used on this project was the MHI Eco-Touch touch screen controller offering the user information such as the room temperature at the units, the temperature at the controller and outdoor unit information including power usage.
The downstairs areas has 4 separate offices which required timed heating and cooling. For these areas the wall mounted systems provide a cheap and easy way to heat and cool without the need for an expensive water heating system such as a gas boiler or oil boiler. The site was not on the gas mains grid so the heat pump option was by far the best way to heat the areas in the winter. The other option is a large gas storage tank that would require periodic checks and filling when empty.
The heat pump units are also ECA tax deductible which means that any business can have a large amount of corporation tax dedicated to a new heating and cooling system. Much better than a gas heating system.
Mitsubishi Unit Data:
About GRT Builders & Scaffolding Limited: GRT are builders and
scaffolding supply the main house builders including Taylor Wimpy,
Charles Church and many more with UK wide construction services. The
business has a trading history dating back to 1984 and specialises in
main contractor building services including building cleaning with over
200 employees. Contact Us:Sales Installation
and Service UK: +44 (0)1234 841221
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