Call: +44(0)1234 841221 E-mail: [email protected] Case study
of print room air conditioning at House Of Flags Ltd Installation of Mitsubishi air conditioning heat-pumps in print room
Orion air conditioning & refrigeration ltd complete the installation of a two Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning FDTC cassette air conditioning heat-pump heating systems the print room was an open plan area with 5 printer beds printing 24hrs a day. The printers were used for printing promotional materials for a wide range of companies. The existing system where the self-install variety which were breaking down on a regular basis due to the high levels of ink in the air which was passing through the low-grade filtration system and onto the coil. This caused water leaks.
What air conditioning heat-pumps were installed: 2 x Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air Conditioning FDTC40VD Compact Cassette (4.7 kW 17000 Btu) Heat pumps which provided enough cooling for the large printers. These units have a high COP (4.1 initial input) which means that every 1000w of electrical energy going in produces 4100 watts of heat. For more information on heat-pump inverters look here.
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