Call: +44(0)1234 841221 E-mail: [email protected] River water can be utilised to heat a boat and in the past systems using copper coils in the water have been used in conjunction with heat pumps. However, rules and regulations and the lack of available manufactured equipment have made this type of system less attractive
Pumping river water through a
heat pump can give very good results, but heat pump units require water
at temperatures above 5 to 8°C (varying depending on type). Whilst
delivering very high-efficiencies for much of the time, this system may
fail to operate in the middle of winter during lower temperatures- just
when you need the most heat, so a back-up heat source is usually
advisable. Oxygen and contaminants in the river water may also be a
concern in some circumstances, causing pump failure and possibly a
system refrigerant leak. But don't let me put you off; this system can
give excellent results if installed correctly.
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UK: +44 (0)1234 841221
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